Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

In honor of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, I present my flowers.  It froze last week, but today, the temperature is 75 degrees. 

Bluebonnets!  I may have blooms in January!     

Lavender and Marigolds The marigolds are a little worse for wear, but they are hanging on!

Here is my favorite knock out rose.  It starts off yellow and fades to cream.

Lantana!  You can't kill this stuff!


  1. Lovely pics. That's a gorgeous rose!

  2. Thanks Mac! You have beautiful pics. I can tell its summer there!

  3. Gorgeous!

    You can kill lantana where I live... it nearly always survives the winters (dormant, underground) but it is the slowest ever plant to get going come spring. Everything else has emerged and been blooming for a month or more before it finally pokes a leaf above ground, so I often get impatient and dig them up. Recently I've started growing other things around their crowns to disguise the bare spot until they stop hibernating.

  4. Bluebonnet blooms in January would be something!

  5. I think the plants are as confused as we are about the weather! Its been colder here than normal, I think.
